Quick Tips

5 Simple Habits Every Installer Should Practice

“No matter how good you get, you can always get better. That’s the exciting part.”

— Tiger Woods

Even the most talented individuals, including the greatest golfer of all time, have room for improvement. That’s what keeps their lives interesting; the ability to get better every day. But the idea of constantly honing your craft isn’t limited to extraordinary athletes. Everyone has the ability to enhance their skills on a daily basis, including Installers.


Whether you’re a veteran Installer or just getting started at Penmarc, there’s always room for improvement. But first things first: preparation and teamwork. If you can master these two simple ideas, you’ll make leaps and bounds in your ability as an Installer. To make life easier, we boiled these concepts down to 5 simple habits every Installer should practice. By implementing these quick tips in your installation routine, you’ll notice improvements in no time.

1. Prepare ahead of time.               

Preparation is the key to an efficient installation. That’s why installers should review all of their materials a week before the project. Study the installation design, read through notes to the Installer, and make sure you’re aware of the drive time. This will allow you to hit the ground running and leave plenty of time to ask questions or make changes to the plan.

2. Review your schedule on a nightly basis.

Installers must be proactive; this means checking your schedule every night. Projects are often being updated or altered, so it’s critical to remain up to date on this information. This way, you can avoid any mistakes or miscommunication that could delay the project.  

3. Measure your space.

First things first, measure your workspace before you do anything else. If the design doesn’t fit your workspace, you’ll have ample time for a redesign. As opposed to getting halfway through an installation before realizing the design does fit. As long as you measure first, you’ll avoid wasting time on an inadequate design.

4. Take inventory before you get started.

This is a vital first step; take inventory of all products and compare them with the design. In doing so, you can make sure your products match the specifications of the plan. If they do not, you’ll have time for a redesign to ensure you have adequate materials. And if you’re missing any essential items, you’ll also have time for a trip to the store.

5. Collaborate with your coworkers.

As an installer for Penmarc, you’ll work alongside countless individuals who are willing to lend a hand. So, make the most of your resources! Contact the Container Store about any design or product issues, reach out to the Market Manager regarding installation issues or customer concerns, and communicate with Scheduling Coordinators to solve any scheduling errors or Cruxos malfunctions.

Looking for more installation pointers?

Here are 13 tips to balance craftsmanship & efficiency.